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Shipment of a gantry crane to a coal deposit in the Republic of Yakutia

4 сентября 2023

Plant Gruzopodyem equipment is delivered even to hard-to-reach locations without capital roads.

Thus, we shipped a gantry crane KK-K-32,0-A5-48,4-32,0-10,0-U1-380, manufactured for operation at a new coal deposit 6 000 km away from our plant, namely in Neryungri district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), on the border with the Amur region. One of its spans reaches a length of 34.0 meters and weighs 35.0 tons. The crane is shipped by three types of transport: by the plant's own trawl to the railway station in Kazan, where it is reloaded into prepared gondola cars by specialized machinery, and then it is delivered by the Customer's forces to the place of installation. Due to large dimensions and rich configuration the equipment is shipped in several batches. This route was organized by the transport and logistics department of the plant and is conditioned by the absence of capital roads at the destination point.

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